Tadhg McSweeney (R.I.P)


Artist Biography:

Tadhg McSweeney was a self-taught artist. He studied in the National College of Art and Design, Dublin, between 1959 and 1960, and later studied printmaking techniques, such as etching and silkscreen printing in London. He exhibited at the Royal Hibernian Academy, the Oireachtas, Group 65 and the Independent Artists annual exhibitions, and had fourteen solo shows in Cork, Dublin, San Francisco, Hamburg, Killarney and London. He passed away on 29 August 2018, aged 82.

Brendan @ ThumbcatchDesign.Co

I’m a professional web designer & developer with a B.Sc Degree and over 6 years of experience freelancing. ThumbCatch Design is my agency, currently focused on website design & development, but with the ultimate goal of empowering ANYONE to build & grow their online business through brand strategy & website creation.


Deirdre McKenna


Niall Naessens